News & Results

Central Schools Cross country 2024

The Springfield Golf club were hosts to our Central school's Cross Country held on Tuesday 11th of June. Approximately 420 students from 17 schools attended the event.
Great weather presented itself and made for an enjoyable day for all our runners, volunteers, schools and whanau.
Special mention and thank you:

- Springfield Golf Club and members
- Penny and Mark Smith and whanau - Corbin, Hannah and Carter
- Jason Cameron
- Julie Lowther and Judy Columb
- BOP Golf - Sam Kendal, Mike Campbell and Taylar Willers
- Lakes High school - Hayley Hodge and students
- Rotorua Intermediate
- Otonga School - Gareth Cunliffe - Principal and Lynley MacRae
- All our school marshals / volunteers.

Central Schools Cross Country 2024 Results.



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