News & Results

Finding confidence through Green Prescription


When single mum Kerrie tried Green Prescription the second time, she just knew the timing was right.

Kerrie* had tried Green Prescription a couple of years earlier but the timing wasn’t right. This time she felt ready and able to commit to six months of putting in effort to create positive changes in her life.

As a single mum her days consisted of dropping the kids at school and going home and waiting for pick up time again. She was feeling as if all she did was waste time sitting around all day.

She was inactive, wasn’t eating breakfast and drinking lots of Coke, she had tried to do nutrition research online and was left feeling confused and overwhelmed.

Her goals were to get active, lose weight, learn to run and learn to eat properly. She planned to attend the gym 2-3 times per week although she was very anxious getting started and to make some simple nutrition changes.

Within two months she had built up to attending the gym/group classes four days per week. She was feeling fit enough that she climbed Mauao for the first time in two years and had lost 11kg!

Kerrie met with our community dietitian which helped her to have confidence in learning how to fuel her body with the right kinds of foods. She was also able to enjoy baking with her kids and not feel bad or guilty for eating it with them.

“My kids can wrap their arms right around me for hugs now. I understand better how my body works, I can actually feel when I’m hungry or full now."

Kerrie, Green Prescription client

Her commitment to making changes has resulted in some incredible health outcomes; she has lost 23kg and 18cm from her waist, but what she has gained is a whole lot more.

Her overall wellbeing has improved, she is stronger both physically and mentally and is confident in herself. She can do more with her children and enjoys running alongside them as they ride their bikes. Being active is part of Kerrie’s daily life now. She gets out the house most days and enjoys interacting with the members and staff she’s built connections with at her gym. She couldn’t wait to get back again after the August 2021 lockdown and is grateful to Green Prescription for the regular check ins and just knowing that someone was always there
if she needed extra support.

*Name changed at client's request


Return to Annual Report 2021-22



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