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Five of our favourite walking tracks to explore this summer

Pap Hills 2.2 Photo taken by Kristin Macfarlane

From short walks to more extensive full-day adventures, the Bay of Plenty has loads of walking trails for all ages and fitness levels. Here are five walking trails in the region that our Sport Bay of Plenty team love to explore.

Otainewainuku walking tracks


The Ōtanewainuku Forest has a range of trails to explore including the 45-minute Rimu Track that allows for a gentle walk through impressive rimu trees. For the more adventurous, try the lookout trail (1hr 30 min return). There are some steep inclines in places, but our insights and evaluation lead Lauren tells us it’s great on a hot day because you’re sheltered by the bush most of the way. You’ll also be rewarded when you get to the top with panoramic views to East Cape, Mount Tarawera and Rotorua.

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Lake Okareka walkway

boardwalk 3

Situated 12km south east of Rotorua, Lake Okareka offers a 1.5 hour walk featuring wetlands, kowhai and kanuka groves, as well as plenty of birdlife. The first two kilometres of the walk are accessible to pushchairs and wheelchairs. Bicycles and dogs are not permitted.

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Ngā Tupuwae o Toi

Toi's Track (c) (3)

A favourite of Whakatāne locals and commonly known as Toi’s Track, this was not only offers multiple entry points with different walking grade options, it’s also a chance to discover some of the major historical and cultural sites of the region. Multiple pā sites, spectacular views bordered by flowering pohutakawa and plenty of shady native forest makes this a must-do. The entire track is 16km but can be undertaken in sections.
*Note that Ōtarawairere Beach is inaccessible on foot during high tide.

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Hukutaia Domain

Nature walk

Pack a picnic and head down to Ōpōtiki to explore the magical Hukutaia Domain. The reserve features a network of trails amongst five hectares of forest, park and rock gardens. A collection of rare and endangered plants, as well as culturally significant Puriri tree make this a special place to visit.

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Pāpāmoa Hills Regional Park

Pap Hills 2.1. Photo taken by Kristin Macfarlane

Escape the business of the Mount and head to the Pāpāmoa Hills for spectacular views across Tauranga. The 135 hectare regional park features several trails, the most popular being a walk from Poplar Lane to the trig at 224 metres. Many of the Sport Bay of Plenty team love to head out to this trail for some peaceful morning or afternoon exercise.

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In a year of physical distancing and social isolation, we've all found a renewed appreciation for time with family and friends. That's why this summer Sport Bay of Plenty is encouraging everyone to get out and get active with the ones you love.

Follow @sportbayofplenty on Instagram or Facebook and #getactivebop between 1 December 2020 and 15 January 2021 and you could WIN the ultimate family adventure prize pack.

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