News & Results

Get to know the candidates - Western Bay of Plenty District Council


We recently approached candidates standing for all wards, community boards and mayoral positions at the 2022 local body elections to ask them: What are your aspirations for sport, active recreation and play in your area? If elected to council, how would you like to see physical activity supported in your community?

We received responses from the below candidates. A full list of candidates for all positions can be found at the Council website link at the bottom of this page.

Sport Bay of Plenty is an apolitical organisation. We do not endorse candidates in any elections, and the responses listed below are solely the opinions of candidates who submitted content.

Mayoral Candidates

James Denyer

Sport and recreation play an important part in maintaining the wellbeing of our communities. I will continue to support the development of facilities and opportunities that enable such recreation. Specific examples include the proposed Katikati Community Sport & Recreation Centre, walking and cycling trails like the Athenree Crossing and the Te Ara Kahikatea Pathway in Te Puke, improvement and upgrading of reserves for recreation such as Midway Park in Pukehina and the ongoing development of Waitekohekohe reserve.

I want to see green spaces maintained for active recreation in Omokoroa.
For our tamariki, play spaces are important, and I was pleased to support the awesome playgrounds at the Omokoroa Domain and at Island View in Waihi Beach and I look forward to the provision/upgrade of further such facilities in the future.

Paul Haimona

Create an environment with neighbouring Councils to have the Bay of Plenty the place to grow and develop elite athletes and sporting teams. One way to grow that is to have the grass roots of youngsters well supported financially and facilities wise.

Katikati-Waihi Beach Ward Candidates

Richard Logan

Every individual in the District should have the opportunity to participate in physical activity and sport to whatever extent they wish. The benefits of physical activity are universally understood and accepted, and the need now is to remove barriers that limit individuals from engaging as they’d like.

However, I also recognise that ratepayers may not be able to provide all the facilities needed to allow that to happen. Thus, I undertake to apply a democratic evaluation process that equitably considers all proposals for development, within any constraints set by the community, and thereby satisfies community wishes.

Council must do much more than simply assemble a public wish-list and guess the level of borrowing needed to fulfil it. I cannot, therefore, guarantee support for any specific proposal until all proposals are reviewed in context. Finally, I am led to believe that not all sports entities are as cooperative as they could be, which presents an obvious opportunity to facilitate real collaboration and achieve better utilisation of existing and new facilities.

Allan Sole

I would like to encourage more sporting events in our ward so that people young and old are exposed to and tempted to participate. Facilities and encouragement to be active are so important.

Waihi Beach, the best beach in New Zealand is in our ward and it has a mobility mat to get wheelchair bound people to the water to sit or swim. Katikati has large playing fields for many sports. We have some of the best shared ways (walk and cycle) in the ward to promote.

An idea I have had for some time now, would be assisting all the sporting clubs to come together and put on a combined Sports Expo. This would be a chance for the sports people/organizers to spotlight their sport with booths and an area for some to give an active display.

We have an older demographic so keeping active is important for better health outcomes. The young need the chance to participate and not become “just a spectator”. Let’s do it.

Kaimai Ward Candidates

Murray Grainger

Council has a statutory duty to look after the four wellbeings and sport is an important factor in the social wellbeing of our people.

Through the last term I have been impressed with the role that Sport Bay of Plenty plays through the Spaces & Places Strategy.

As WBPDC brings on new residential areas, and thus more active reserves and sports fields, it is important that the facilities do not unnecessarily duplicate resources and that the ratepayer money spent results in maximum value to the region, not just the immediate locality of any facility.

Thus, I will continue to support the activities of Sport Bay of Plenty when re-elected as it is important that there are opportunities for physical activity which leads to improved mental health, physical health and emotional health.

Physical activity, whether it be on a skate-board or an e-bike, a walking track or a playing field, a playground or a beach is important for us all. Use it or lose it!

Margaret Murray-Benge

Having worked with your amazing people like Paul Pou, and the essential work you do, I think we are very fortunate here in the Bay having Sport Bay of Plenty.

From my own background I know sport is so important in all our lives. Ensuring that there are adequate facilities to encourage people of all ages to play their chosen sport is vital for a healthy society. I love the work you do.

Maketu-Te Puke Ward Candidates

Richard Crawford

  • Extension of the skate park on Jubliee park / pump track and skate bowl
  • Have more event based activity
  • Extension of the basket ball court - free activities in our parks
  • New swimming pool - Donovan park
  • Multi sports center established in Te Puke
  • Disc golf set up in our parks where able.

Kim Williams

My biggest concern is our personal wellness and the wellbeing of our communities, so my focus and aspiration going forward starts there. We have to support each other to be better at taking care of ourselves AND each other. This creates a strength in our community which encompasses all that we value, for our future growth.

The WBOP region has some very good facilities and sporting opportunities available to us. The challenge is to encourage people to utilize these opportunities more frequently and to make this part of a health conscious daily routine. I absolutely advocate for active recreation, whether it be in the form of sporting activity, personal exercise or group movement and participation. The best thing about it is, these things can be done anywhere, anytime and it doesn't always have to cost money.

I would like to see more engagement and collaboration between Council, Community Boards and grass roots community groups to enable us to support our community’s health and wellbeing in a more positive way.

Katikati Community Board Candidates

Andy Earl

Sport has really grown in Katikati. Soccer is being developed and Katikati rugby seniors have played themselves into the 1st division for next year (I have been on the KKR&S committee for 3 years).

I think that, for Katikati it is super-important to grow & nurture the connection between Katikati College & the local rugby club, so we can keep growing the sport here. Nurture it & keep building it up for the future.

Complete Candidate List



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