News & Results

Sport NZ sector update - new guidelines and online forum


On Friday, March 25, 2022 the traffic light system changed. These changes reflect public health advice, and where New Zealand has moved to in our Omicron response.

Sport New Zealand have updated our guidance to reflect the changes announced last Wednesday. These are now live alongside our updated FAQs on the Sport NZ website here.

A review of the settings by the Government will take place on 4 April. The removal of the My Vaccine Pass from the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) will occur on the same date.

Covid - NZ Government Image

COVID-19 Protection Framework online forum

Sport New Zealand will be holding a second Q&A forum on Wednesday 30 March at 11am to help organisations with any further questions they may be working through.

You can join this using the link below:

Sport NZ Online forum #2
Wednesday 30 March, 11am

Join Forum


Frequently asked questions?

Don’t forget to check Sport New Zealand's updated frequently asked questions prior to the forum sessions. Two issues which are coming up for a number of organisations are:

  • Vaccine requirements for staff
  • My Vaccine Passes for participants

We have added details about both of these topics to our FAQs which you can view here.


Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) are working to develop advice/information that businesses and employers can use to assess if there are any additional measures they should adopt. At this stage, information is likely to be available over the next week on, and websites.

We will continue to support you to have conversations with your community starting with the updated information and guidance now available on the Sport NZ website.

I am very proud of how the entire sport and recreation system has adapted to the changes and challenges throughout this period and I thank you for your continued focus on keeping our communities engaged, safe and physically active.

If you have any urgent questions or need help, please remember to contact us at [email protected]

Ngā mihi,
Raelene Castle

Wednesday March 23 Announcement



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