News & Results

Taking a student-centered approach with Healthy Active Learning


Since the start of 2020, Sport Bay of Plenty's Healthy Active Learning team has been supporting schools across Rotorua to develop and deliver quality physical activities that improve the wellbeing of tamariki.

We recently caught up with the team to find out more about their work on the ground.

Fitness at Mokoia Intermediate School

Physical education doesn’t just have to look just like fitness and that’s what Mokoia Intermediate have been trying out with their healthy active learning advisor Kimiora Insley.

Students have been determining their own learning by working in groups. Each group has been setting a task to achieve together all whilst focussing on the components of fitness. Fitness can be fun, easy to set up and incorporate teamwork skills. Ka pai Mokoia Intermediate for shifting thinking from a fitness approach in physical education to an approach that fosters the holistic development of the students.

“Thank you Kimiora for coming in to school to teach our teachers and students some fitness based cooperative games. Our students demonstrated communication skills, team work, thinking and physical movement. It was also a lot of fun! For our teachers, new resources to add to our kete. Ngā mihi ki a koe, Kimiora! “

Liana Te Hau – Mokoia Intermediate

If your school is part of the Healthy Active Learning initiative, then chat to your advisor for ideas with your fitness programme.

Cross country at Kaharoa School

The students at Kaharoa School have been using their student voice to reshape their cross country. Healthy Active Learning advisor Amy McMahon and Kaharoa Teacher Kim had an open discussion with the Totara class about this years’ cross country event.

These Year 8 students were asked if they were looking forward to the day, why or why not, what do they like about the event and what would they change? This prompted a ‘student takeover’ and this years’ Cross Country was full of dress ups, dancing, a change to the course and great atmosphere of comradery. Students described it as “the best day ever” as it was led by the students.

Questions to guide your discussion on cross country in your school, and gain insight into students' experience and how you could change it up:

What does Cross Country look like in our school?

Who is looking forward to Cross Country? Why? Why not?

What ideas do you have to make it more fun?

What ideas do you have to improve it?

How can we ensure all students (not just the first finishers) enjoy the day?

If you're keen for some support with your cross country, then get in touch with your Healthy Active Learning advisor – they can share other schools’ stories, learnings and ideas.

Healthy Active Learning_Glenholme PS_web

Physical education in the classroom

Physical Education can be done when it’s raining. Ask Amy about her indoor rainy day activities.

[email protected]


About Healthy Active Learning

Healthy Active Learning is a joint initiative from Sport New Zealand, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health. The Healthy Active Learning team at Sport Bay of Plenty is working alongside Toi Te Ora Public Health and education providers to improve the wellbeing of children and young people through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity.

Thirty schools in Rotorua are currently part of the intitiative.

Find out more about Healthy Active Learning

Contact our team

Deb Garea_Snippet

Debbie Garea

Education Team Leader

[email protected]

027 487 5377

Meg Fisher

Healthy Active Learning Project Lead

[email protected]

027 315 7987

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Coming Soon

Healthy Active Learning Advisor

[email protected]
022 151 1244

Kimiora Insley

Healthy Active Learning Advisor (CBOP)

[email protected]
027 292 9807



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