News & Results

Get to know the candidates - Rotorua Lakes Council


We recently approached candidates standing for all wards, community boards and mayoral positions at the 2022 local body elections to ask them: What are your aspirations for sport, active recreation and play in your area? If elected to council, how would you like to see physical activity supported in your community?

We received responses from the below candidates. A full list of candidates for all positions can be found at the website link at the bottom of this page.

Sport Bay of Plenty is an apolitical organisation. We do not endorse candidates in any elections, and the responses listed below are solely the opinions of candidates who submitted content.

Mayoral Candidates

Ben Sanford

There is so much we can do to improve sport, active recreation and play in Rotorua and we need to do this by working in partnership and building relationships to deliver outcomes. I'd like to see us improving and where necessary increasing facilities. We need facilities that are fit for purpose, welcoming and user friendly. We also need to make sure there is good access to facilities so that communities aren't being left behind. We need to recognize that there is change in this space, and there are new ways to be active and participate in sport that we should encourage.

We need to work with our existing events and we need to attract more world class events, to inspire more physical activity and get long term benefits such as, improved facilities. Different sports have different needs and we need to work closely with the sector, by working in partnership we can increase our impact and provide more opportunities and better facilities.

We have amazing natural assets in our region and we need to use these to increase participation in sport, active recreation and play.

Tania Tapsell

I’m standing to ensure a better future for Rotorua, and a better Rotorua for all. My priorities are: Safe Community, Stop the Spend, and Smart Investment.

For sports and recreation my aspirations are to continue investment into our public facilities, including seeking partnership funding to enable a hydroslide at the Aquatic Centre. I’ll also continue to support and attract major sporting events to be held in Rotorua to boost our local economy and promote Rotorua as a great place to visit.

A vote for me gives you the advantage of a Mayor that has nine years experience in local government, I know how Council works and how to get things done. I have business experience and qualifications and the energy to fight for your needs. I grew up in and live in Rotorua with my husband and 11 year old stepson, we’re all passionate about sport and enjoy being active in our forest and lakes. With your vote I look forward to leading Rotorua forward in a positive direction.

Rotorua General Ward Candidates

Nick Chater

Rotorua is my home. It is a fantastic place to live and I strongly feel the need to stand and be a proactive part of our community. My drivers are putting the environment at the forefront of our decisions, so we have healthy, thriving people and a sustainable economy able to support our hard-working community.

My strength is a balanced viewpoint with a wide range of experience and skills: Business, Education, Social Services, Lakes Community Board, various Trust committees and Representation on National Boards.

Sport and recreation has been a major influence in my life: Mountain-biking since the 80s, paddling on the rivers and lakes are a significant part of who I am, my career and overall well being. The work I currently do in youth and social services is so reliant on utilizing outdoor recreation, physical activity and engagement with our environment. I firmly believe sport and recreation should be available to ALL and barriers to participation removed.

Ryan Gray

Sport, active recreation and play are essential to not only individual wellbeing, but to the overall wellbeing of our community.

I grew up playing soccer at Puarenga Park on Te Ngae Road, playing cricket at Smallbone Park and riding my bike in the forest and at the skatepark. On the field I learnt lessons about hard work, determination and mateship which helped me become the person I am today.

As a Councillor, I would make it a priority to engage with our sports clubs from across Rotorua to find ways to improve local facilities, and ensure they remain. While a ‘hub’ approach to sports can enable a higher standard of facility in one spot, for those who live far away from the hub, without means of transport, it can create a barrier to entry - we need to ensure everyone in our community has equitable access to quality spaces for play, active recreation and sport within easy walking and cycling distance from home.

Let’s work together for the betterment of all.

Conan O'Brien

I would like to see physical activity supported and promoted by investing in our reserves, playground’s, sports facilities, and schools, being available to all. Rotorua needs enhanced play and recreation facilities for varying interests, ages and abilities We need to recognise the diversity of sports and recreation activities played today, consult widely and plan accordingly. We must ensure there is recognition in design frameworks for disabled persons to remove barriers and create opportunities for their integration and participation.

We need to cultivate community relationships between current and potential user groups (walking, cycling and dog owners), plan security in design stage to ensure all persons feel safe in their environment and that public safety is at the forefront of design. Smart design placement, access into and quality of toilets and changing facilities.

We must commit to ensuring children aren’t denied an opportunity to play sport because of financial hardship or lack of opportunity ie free bus service to Blue Lake in Summer to ensure all feel involved in their community.

Don Paterson

The Reserve Revocation Bill is an affront to the people of Rotorua. With intensification, we will need our local Parks, Reserves and Sports Fields even more. Our suburban Sports Fields must be retained to ensure the survival of the Clubs whose culture & heritage is imbedded in the land & facilities they are part of. Local Clubs are the hubs of their Communities, acting as meeting places for people who have common interests to come together & build life-long friendships. They give people the opportunity to get away from the stresses of daily life, put down their devices & be active in the REAL world.

Creating a homogenised “hub” like the “Westbrook Sports & Recreation Precinct” and forcing our Clubs to relocate there, will destroy that culture and wipe away their heritage. Sport and recreation must be kept LOCAL. Instead of wasting $65 Million of ratepayer/taxpayer funds (both OUR money!) on something no-one wants or needs, we should invest just 20% of that amount into improving/maintaining what we already have.

Mercia Yates

Sports is an incredible part of our community. As has been evidenced for a long while, supporting physical activities leads to improved mental health + increased engagement especially in individual achievement including education.

Rotorua is a wonderful spot in Aotearoa, because it is central. It has great sports facilities, fields and an international stadium. We have amazing outdoor natural features that allow for water sports, as well. With the new investment planned for the Aquatics Centre, this will be another feature that will help equip future generations to be water safe and confident.

Investment into our local infrastructure will also enable better quality sports resources, which in turn will have an economic benefit to our community.

Rotorua Māori Ward Candidates

Hana Tapiata

Recreation, physical activity and play are so important to our livelihoods, wellbeing and quality of life - and I believe Rotorua is the perfect place for all ages to enjoy being active, for whichever activity, price point or ability. If elected, I will advocate for more investment into our communities to improve access to sport and recreation activities; investment and support for iwi/hapū/local businesses who provide avenues for communities and whānau to be more active; and also investment into our grounds and facilities.

Rotorua Rural Community Board Candidates

Rachel Clark

I do not have any prior aspirations, but I am happy too support a community that would like to improve facilities in their area.

Complete Candidate List



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