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Sport NZ sector update - changes to COVID-19 Protection Framework and vaccine passes


Today, Wednesday 23 March, the Government announced changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) and vaccine mandates. See the updated changes on the COVID-19 website.

Sport NZ are currently working to update their specific guidelines to reflect these changes, and these will be published alongside updated FAQs on the Sport NZ website prior to the changes coming into force from 11.59pm Friday 25 March.

Covid - NZ Government Image

In short, this is great news as we work towards living with less restrictions and ensures more sport and recreation can go ahead, with more people included, while reducing the impact of future outbreaks.

To help with understanding the key changes, we have simplified them below.


COVID-19 Protection Framework online forum

Sport NZ will be holding a Q&A forum on the changes to the CPF this Thursday 24 March to help organisations with any immediate questions they may have ahead of the weekend changes. You can join this using the link below.

Online Sport NZ CPF forum

10.00am | Thursday 24 March

Join forum


Changes to the COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF) and vaccine mandates

From 11.59pm Friday 25 March, a new and highly simplified traffic light setting will be introduced. The key changes are as follows.


  • Indoor capacity limits for gatherings and events with My Vaccine Pass will increase to 200 – this includes gyms, food and drink businesses and other indoor settings where sport and recreation takes place.
  • There will be no limits for outdoor activities with My Vaccine Pass – such as gatherings, events, and food/drink retailers.
    Face masks are no longer required at outdoor settings.
  • There is no requirement to scan in or for a business to display a QR code poster or have mandatory record keeping.


  • There will be no capacity limits for indoor and outdoor gatherings and events, but face masks are still required in many indoor settings.
  • There is no requirement to scan in or for a business to display a QR code poster or have mandatory record keeping.


  • There are no requirements, but good health habits should still be maintained to help look after those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19.

My Vaccine Pass

  • From 11.59pm Monday 4 April, My Vaccine Passes will no longer be required. This is due to the high vaccination rate and levels of acquired immunity.
  • Until 4 April, where My Vaccine Passes are not used, the current restrictions remain — but after this time, the new capacity limits will apply to everyone.
  • After 4 April, businesses will still be able to use the system if they would like to.

At all levels, the testing and isolation requirements remain as they are now. If you have symptoms or someone in your household tests positive, isolate and get tested.

We aim to keep you updated as we move through these changes. Please join our online forums if you have any urgent questions in the meantime.

As usual, thank you for your continued work to keep sport and recreation happening for all New Zealanders.

Ngā mihi,
Raelene Castle



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